Food & Drink

Why honey is best for easing coughs and respiratory symptoms

Original Story Published by: Mike Simpson,
Photo Source: PollyDot from Pixaby


Given all of the benefits of honey, including very limited side effects, doctors can recommend it as a suitable alternative to antibiotics when treating upper-respiratory tract symptoms, especially cough.

This is according to a study published online in the peer-reviewed journal BMJ Evidence Based Medicine

Honey has long been used as a home remedy to treat coughs and colds. There’s evidence for its use in children, but the evidence for its effectiveness for a range of upper-respiratory tract symptoms in adults hasn’t been systematically reviewed.

To plug this knowledge gap, the researchers trawled research databases for relevant studies comparing honey and preparations that included it as an ingredient with usual care: mostly antihistamines, expectorants, cough suppressants and painkillers.

They found 14 suitable clinical trials, involving 1 761 participants of varying ages. Pooled data analysis of these studies showed that honey was more effective than usual care for improving symptoms, especially the frequency and severity of coughing.

Two of the studies showed that symptoms lasted 1-2 days fewer among those treated with honey.

Before definitive conclusions can be reached, more work needs to be done, the researchers noted.


To read the full article, visit


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